Sponsor & Advertise!

Corporate sponsors and local businesses can support NHME's musical mission by placing a logo, business card, or small advertising image into our concert playbills!  Our grateful students and appreciative audiences will notice who's helping.  Thanks for your support!  Here's how to do it:

  1. Click the green "Add" button above to place this "item" in the shopping cart.
  2. Scan a business card, or find an image of business card size.
  3. Fill out the secure form below, and attach the scan, image, or logo into the form.
  4. Click the green "Send" button.
  5. Please go to the shopping cart and complete the checkout process - thanks!
We can process images and scans formatted as jpg, png, tif, and pdf or zip when the file sizes are less than ten megabytes.
Please enter the business or corporate name here:
Please enter the proprietor's or agent's name here:
Please enter an email address:
Just in case, please enter the contact's number here:
Attach an image file (jpg, png, tif, pdf, zip) < 10MB:
If the business has a website, please enter the URL here:

Thank you for your kind and generous support!  NHME reserves the right to screen submissions for appropriateness.  Reasons and refunds for refusals may or may not be given by NHME.  Creative elements such as spacings, placements, and printed colors are at the discretion of the concert program's designer.